For those that don’t know…
Recently I decided to move the whole game to a different platform and decided to get into and use RenPy to make the game.
– I can do a LOT more with it than I could with the other platform I was using.
– It’ll be easier to make the things I want to happen happen.
– Re-writing the entire game and changing things is a lot simplier.
– Delaying the first Release of the game due to re-writing entire plot
– New platform I’m not fully familiar with, so getting some things into the game is a bit more difficult (Programming in python hasn’t, in the past, been my strong suit. I’m getting re-familarized with it, so things will be added as I go… 😉 This can also be a plus!)
So, later today I’ll post a re-worked progress about the game. 🙂