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Dread Child


Join both the website and discord server for FREE!!!!

What's included
  • Access to Members-Only areas
  • 5% Discount on all titles/merch/etc
  • Discord title: Dread Child
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Ancestral Soul

$6.25 / moBilled quarterly ($25.00)
What's included
  • 10% Discount on all titles/merch/etc
  • Discord title: Ancestral Soul
  • Monthly Wallpaper
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Best Buy


$30.00Per Month
What's included
  • All previous rewards
  • 20% Discount on all titles/merch/etc
  • FREE current Episodes
  • Access to monthly NSFW renders
  • Access to NSFW Renders
  • Discord title: Phoenixborn
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$50.00Per Month
What's included
  • All previous rewards
  • 30% Discount on all titles/merch/etc
  • 4k Renders (NSF/normal)
  • 1 Custom Image / Month (Single Character)
  • Discord Title: Doomgift
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Radiant One

$199.00Per Month
What's included
  • All previous rewards
  • 80% Discount on alll titles/merch/etc
  • Get into the Developer channels/forums and help steer the titles of your choice!
  • Discord title: Radiant One
  • 80% Discount on all products
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