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December Update

December’s update is going well…  We’re at the point in the renders where I would normally release it, but it’s not at a natural “Break-Point” yet, so it may be a few days, but I should have SOMETHING ready by Christmas for you all… 😉  (Or before the end of the year)

Also.  Changed things around – Making the downloads MUCH smaller – Converted all the images to .webp media to .webm for faster loading and a much smaller file size.  (Was beginning to worry about it getting too large before the first “act” is complete, but not worried about that now!)

Most of, if not all this act, is setting the story and such for future adventures.  Though there will be a lot of …  Sexy time and action in this act, we’re still doing a lot of the “setup” parts so far.  But I’m happy with the story as it is right now.

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